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Pursuit of Happiness for Online Students
December 18, 2014
"Online Instruction, E-Learning, and Student Satisfaction: A Three Year Study" is the title of a research study by three professors

Traveling Volunteer of the Year
December 18, 2014
GSPM alum Kip Patrick and his wife Liz Zipse counted whale sharks in the Philippines, picked up trash in Borneo, practiced English with monks in Laos,

IIST students receive briefing on cloud computing by Amazon Web Services insider
December 1, 2014
IIST students receive briefing on cloud computing by Amazon Web Services insider

Team Capitol DC's Solar Decathlon entry featured on White House blog
November 19, 2013
Two years ago, students and faculty from CPS’s Sustainable Landscapes Program along with other faculty/students from GW, American

Kerry Washington urges graduates to script their own stories
May 19, 2013
GW alumna and actress Kerry Washington addresses graduates and their families at Commencement on the National Mall.

Kerry Washington to Graduates: Answer the Call
Kerry Washington to Graduates: Answer the Call
May 19, 2013
Alumna and actor delivers Commencement address to nearly 25,000 gathered on the National Mall.

University Recognizes Students for Outstanding Academics
April 25, 2013
Adele Ashkar, associate dean for academic excellence in the College of Professional Studies, introduced scholar Charles Snead IV, who came to GW for the Police Science Program after being honorably discharged from the Marine Corps.

The Federal Communications Law Journal Comes to GW Law
June 6, 2012
The George Washington University Law School will become home to the Federal Communications Law Journal (FCLJ) of the Federal Communications Bar Association