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Healthcare Corporate Compliance Program Receives HCCB Accreditation
July 26, 2006
The Healthcare Compliance Certification Board (HCCB), which confers the premier accreditation within the healthcare compliance field, approved the accreditation of GW's Graduate Certificate in Healthcare Corporate Compliance.

CPS Announces New Master's Program in Molecular Biotechnology
April 11, 2006
New integrated degree will prepare graduates for careers in bioscience and business.

GW's Graduate School of Political Management Joins CPS
January 17, 2006
GW announced that its Graduate School of Political Management joined its College of Professional Studies on January 1, 2006, after 10 years in GW's Columbian College of Arts and Sciences.

Healthcare Compliance Program
August 5, 2005
CPS announces new Graduate Certificate in Healthcare Corporate Compliance that will provide students with a comprehensive view of health care and the regulatory landscape to enhance compliance.

CPS Dean Appointed as UCEA President
June 1, 2005
Roger Whitaker, Dean, College of Professional Studies, and Professor, Department of Educational Leadership,

New Police Science Program
April 14, 2004
On April 15, 2004, GW's President Trachtenberg announced the new CPS undergraduate certificate and degree programs in Police Science, with special scholarships for police who are admitted to these programs.

Ford and Sloan Foundation Grants Awarded to CPS
January 1, 2004
In January '04, CPS, on behalf of the GW Office of the Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs, accepted the award of four Council of Graduate Schools