
New Stories / The Professionals Podcast / Monthly Newsletter


Recent News Stories

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Congratulations to our 2015 Graduates!

May 23, 2015

We wish our graduates the very best of success!

IIST Students and CPS Team Leaders Visit NIST

May 23, 2015

IIST Students and CPS Team Leaders Visit NIST

IIST students visit Verizon's Executive Briefing Center

March 5, 2015

IIST students visit Verizon's Executive Briefing Center

IIST students visit Deloitte’s Arlington facility

February 13, 2015

IIST students visit Deloitte’s Arlington facility


Red Carpet Treatment for GSPM Students

December 18, 2014

The Graduate School of Political Management held its Spring 2015 admitted students reception at the United States Capitol, giving

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An Apple for the Best Teacher

December 18, 2014

"What? I Won?" This was the immediate reaction of Paralegal Studies professor and assistant director Ethel Hong Badawi when she won a national

Pursuit of Happiness for Online Students

December 18, 2014

"Online Instruction, E-Learning, and Student Satisfaction: A Three Year Study" is the title of a research study by three professors

Liz & Kip

Traveling Volunteer of the Year

December 18, 2014

GSPM alum Kip Patrick and his wife Liz Zipse counted whale sharks in the Philippines, picked up trash in Borneo, practiced English with monks in Laos,


The Professionals Podcast

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The Dean's Newsletter

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The CPS monthly Dean’s newsletter captures news and points-of-pride for our College community. Through these timely updates, we will share with you a few highlights of how CPS faculty, staff, students, alumni, partners and leadership are shaping our dynamic future.