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Lara Brown moderates GSPM event on fake news

GSPM’s Lara Brown Moderates Panel Discussion on Meaning of ‘Fake News’

Panelists at GW discussed fake news and how media consumption affected the 2016 presidential election.

June 25, 2017

Lara Brown, Interim Director of the George Washington University’s Graduate School of Political Management (GSPM), moderated

Prof. Rob Engel

Professor Rob Engel Appointed Director of Semester in Washington Program

June 25, 2017

Congratulations to Professor Rob Engel as the new Director of Semester in Washington and the associated programs.

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Police and Security Studies Student Receives CPS Distinguished Scholar Award

June 24, 2017

GW holds an annual celebration to honor the accomplishments of students inside the classroom.

IIST students at Nashman Symposium

Helping Others with the Power of Technology - IIST Students Present Service Learning Projects at Nashman Symposium

June 22, 2017

Integrated, Information Science and Technology (IIST) program students used their knowledge of technology to help others

Best Paralegal Programs Online

GW Ranked in Top 25 Online Paralegal Programs

June 20, 2017

GW’s paralegal studies programs were ranked #12 by College Choice for Best Online Paralegal Programs in 2017.

Rep. Comstock with winner of Congressional Art Show

Local High School Students Shine at Congressional Art Show

June 19, 2017

Congratulations to Riverside High School student Rebecca Ashley for winning “Best in Show” in the 10th Congressional District Art competition sponsored

LCPS Students at GW workshop on health science careers

VSTC Hosts Health Sciences Career Exploration Workshops

June 19, 2017

Local high school students are empowered to make more informed career choices after attending GW’s hands-on workshop, a “Day in the Health Sciences.” 

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CPS/VSTC Provide In-Kind Prize for GW New Venture Competition

June 18, 2017

Twelve teams presented business proposals during the finals round of the ninth annual New Venture Competition


The Professionals Podcast

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The Dean's Newsletter

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The CPS monthly Dean’s newsletter captures news and points-of-pride for our College community. Through these timely updates, we will share with you a few highlights of how CPS faculty, staff, students, alumni, partners and leadership are shaping our dynamic future.