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Recent News Stories

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Susan Bro, mother of paralegal killed in protest, stands at podium and addresses attendees the celebration

GW Paralegal Studies Program Honors Slain Activist

May 20, 2018

The Commencement ceremony for the CPS master’s program in Paralegal Studies recognized Heather Heyer, a paralegal killed last summer during protests against

SUP Students at Bay of Bengal in Bangladesh

Sustainable Urban Planning Students Learn About Climate Change in Bangladesh

April 24, 2018

What impact is climate change having on Bangladesh and why is this significant? Ten students from GW’s Sustainable Urban Planning (SUP)

GW 2018 Distinguished Scholars group picture

CPS Student Recognized for High Academic Achievement

April 23, 2018

Annual academic honors dinner recognized 189 students with high grade-point averages and scholars who have done distinguished work.

CPS Student Reaches Final Round in the GW New Venture Competition

April 21, 2018

She dreams of using her startup business to boost the local economy and reduce violence against women in her native Ecuador. Andrea Armas

GSEHD Dean Michael Feuer speaks at the reception April 3 in honor of former dean Ali Eskandarian (right).

Saying Goodbye & Thank You to Former Dean Eskandarian

April 21, 2018

“We’ll miss you” was a sentiment echoed numerous times during the College’s farewell event for former Dean Ali Eskandarian.

Nancy Cleary, GW Publishing master's student

Publishing Student’s Indie Company Releases Book by Blind Author

Publication Sparked by Project in Applied Ethics Class

April 20, 2018

“I will never look at anything the same again,” wrote Nancy Cleary, a master’s degree candidate in GW’s Publishing program, after

NAPLP students wtih Native laywer and playwright Mary Kathryn Nagle

NAPLP Students Learn from Native Lawyer & Playwright Mary Katherine Nagle

And more news from the AT&T Center for Indigenous Politics and Policy (CIPP)

April 19, 2018

Students and faculty from AT&T’s Center for Indigenous Politics and Policy (CIPP) have crossed paths with the extraordinary Mary Katherine Nagle

Claudia West (left) and landscape architect, Liza Gilbert (right) during site visit to Dumbarton Oaks Park.

Re-imagining an Urban Woodland Garden: A Lens on Dumbarton Oaks Park

April 18, 2018

Dumbarton Oaks Park Conservancy & GW's Sustainable Landscapes Program recently sponsored an exciting two-day event


The Professionals Podcast

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The Dean's Newsletter

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The CPS monthly Dean’s newsletter captures news and points-of-pride for our College community. Through these timely updates, we will share with you a few highlights of how CPS faculty, staff, students, alumni, partners and leadership are shaping our dynamic future.